Straightness Training

Brings out the

magnificent giant

your horse can be!

Since 2004, we have helped

thousands of equestrians

overcoming their horse's natural asymmetry

with Straightness Training.

Straightness Training

Brings out the Magnificent Giant your horse can be!

Since 2004, we have helped thousands of equestrians overcoming their horse's natural asymmetry with Straightness Training.

Maestro Straightness Training

ST creates real change

I'm Marijke de Jong, a master instructor and founder of The Straightness Training Academy.

It all started back in 2001 when my horse Maestro became my greatest teacher.

Thanks to him, I learned about natural asymmetry and discovered how to rebalance a horse in body, mind, heart and soul.

That's how Straightness Training came to be!

Your transformation is our success!

Since 2004, I've been on a mission to help people like you turn their 'Maestro' into the magnficant giant their horse was always meant to be!

I helped my horse Maestro go from "Impossible" to "I'm possible" and you can do the same!

Straightness Training

Make it happen with Straightness Training

Turns your struggles into a STrategy:

Get Clarity

I help you recognize and analyze the dimensions of natural asymmetry.

Get Confidence

Learn exactly how to rebalance your horse using Straightness Training.

Maestro Levade Straightness Training

Get Results

Optimize your knowledge and skills, so you can actualize your horse's potential.


Get Harmony

Be your horse's possibility partner, achieving a STrong working partnership.

End unnecessary suffering today

Learn to assess and address your horse's natural asymmetry

Empower yourself with our free resources

Our freebies are a great STarting point to learn more about natural asymmetry & Straightness Training


Free Quiz

The very first STep

Find out whether you have a left- or right-bended horse and discover the hidden factor that could be holding your horse's performance back.

free training

Free Training

The ultimate STarterkit 

Expand your knowledge about natural asymmetry and Straightness Training and unravel the puzzle that's keeping you stuck.

They Did it. So Can You!

Hear what other STudents have to say about their Straightness Training journey:

Your personal path to harmony

From understanding your horse's natural asymmetry to gaining certification,
we guide you STep-by-STep on your Straightness Training journey!