Areas of Straightness Training

Areas of Straightness Training

In Straightness Training, we not only strive for a balanced body.

We also strive for balance in mind, emotions, and spirit; in both human and horse.

Because a horse in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance is a pleasure to work with!

And a rider in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance is a pleasure to work with for the horse!

When everything is in balance we can conquer the world with our horse!

So in Straightness Training, we have the following areas of Straightness Training:

First, lets have a look at the lift side of the image:  

A balanced horse

The end result of proper Straightness Training is a balanced horse on all 4 levels:

  • On a physical level; a horse that is symmetrical in body, limbs, and movements.
  • On a mental level; an open, focused, willing, polite and interested horse.
  • On an emotional level: a relaxed, calm, confident horse that feels comfortable, content, and peaceful.
  • On a spiritual level: a horse that shows his pride and dignity and has an awake and authentic spirit.

Also, all these areas are connected.

Because a relaxed, supple, strong and straightened body will have a positive effect on the horse’s mind and emotions because it causes him to feel comfortable, confident, calm and trustful and willing to learn new things.

And through years of training, the horse’s wisdom will increase and his dignity, pride and inner strength will come to fruition.

In Straightness Training, we are the horse’s personal fitness trainer and development coach.

So we can help the horse to achieve balance both on the outside and inside and the horse can reach his full potential at all four levels.

Even more…

Straightness Training helps us to develop balance in our horse in all areas and while doing so, we will notice that we personally develop in all areas as a trainer, and indirectly as a human being, as well!

A balanced rider


As a rider, we must lead by example.

You see, riders expect physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perfection of their horse.

But some riders show a lack of focus on their own body, mind, emotions and spirit.

However, when the rider’s balance is lacking on the inside and outside, it is difficult to be a useful and inspiring trainer for the horse.

So we must make sure we eat healthy, that we practice Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, fitness or do other exercises, that we develop ourselves mentally and master our emotions.

When we want to reach our full potential as a horse trainer, we must not only learn how to train our horses and develop our trainer qualities.

We must also develop ourselves daily in all areas:

  • On a physical level; a rider that is symmetrical in body, limbs and movements, and strives for ‘more with less’ when it comes to giving aids and cues.
  • On a mental level; a rider with an empowering attitude and lack of ‘Gremlins‘, and who understands how horses learn and what they need, and who knows the what, why, when and how of all exercises.
  • On an emotional level: a relaxed, calm, confident rider who masters his energy, feels grateful and enjoys the process.
  • On a spiritual level: an authentic rider who masters his ‘wheel‘, who wants to contribute and add value to the lives of horses and other riders.

By daily focusing on constant and continuous improvement in many areas, we can be the best rider and trainer who we can be.

And this will help us to also find balance in the relationship with our horse.

A balanced relationship

When we develop and improve our horse and ourselves at all levels, the relationship with our horse will increasingly broaden and deepen

This way, we will end up in a respectful, pure, and honest relationship full off harmony, togetherness and oneness.

That’s a beautiful place to be!

Because in this relationship, we can guide our horse to become more flexible and stronger in his body, and we can encourage him to do so in a calm, relaxed, confident, proud way in which he can trust and respect us.

Our horse will therefore look forward to be with us, to train with us, to do things together instead of running away when he sees us at the gate.

But of course, this is a journey and if there is a missing part, we should not let it paralyze us, but instead:

If something is out of balance, see it as a challenge

So let’s not worry if something is out of balance, just see it as a challenge, as an opportunity to learn something and to grow!

And you don’t need to do it all on your own.

Straightness Training will help you to find balance in all areas.

So every day you and your horse will become a better version of yourself and this process will never end.

There is always room for improvement!

And this is what makes horse training so wonderful and interesting.

Learning how to balance all areas brings fulfillment and abundance to each day for you and your horse!

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