

Many riders enjoy riding with a saddle.

Indeed riding with a saddle can be very comfortable and supportive for rider and horse.

But regrettably enough, riders also encounter many different problems caused by a saddle with a poor fitting.

The most essential thing about a saddle

It’s very important that the saddle fits both horse and rider.

It’s just like a chair for office workers.

This chair should meet health and safety regulations, so the office worker can do his job in a healthy way.

And so must a saddle be ergonomically appropriate.

Because a properly fitting saddle:

  • is an important link in achieving harmony between us and our horse;
  • is essential for the development of the muscles of the horse;
  • and it fits us as a rider – so it allows us to be properly balanced and make it easy to sit correctly on our horse.

 saddle used in Straightness Training

A tailor made saddle

It’s important to realize that not every saddle is suitable for every horse.

Every horse is different and we have to find a tailor-made solution for our own horse.

The side-saddle

When a saddle isn't the solution

Sometimes, a saddle – any saddle – isn’t the right choice yet:

  • when our horse is still growing;
  • or changing a lot through physical muscle development;
  • or when we need to develop an independent seat.

Then the bareback pad is a great alternative for a saddle:

  • it fits on every horse;
  • allows us to feel the movements of the horse very well;
  • and we develop a beautiful seat with an independent balance.

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