

Every horse has it’s own personality. 

The personality of the horse is an authentic combination of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual patterns.

Some components of a horse’s personality are:

  • Openness to experience (inventive/curious/creative/preference for novelty and variety vs conventional/consistent/cautious)
  • Extroversion (extravert/assertive/energetic vs introvert/reserved/quiet)
  • Agreeableness (friendly/cooperative/willing vs suspicious/antagonistic/unwilling towards others)
  • Emotional stability (calm/secure/confident/relaxed most of the time/rarely upset vs sensitive/easily disturbed/stressed out easily/nervous/angry/anxious).
  • Temperament (hot/cold/ or warm-blood and low/medium/or high spirited).

Straightness Training is all about helping our horse flourish his personality, to get balanced on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and to become the best they can be!

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Jump on over to my free training were you get a three-step process for implementing Straightness Training in your training sessions right now.

Watch two videos and download your free eBook which will help you put the information into action right away:
