3 Ways To Stay Motivated When You Really Want To Quit

If you start Straightness Training, it is inevitable that you will reach a ‘plateau‘ or that you experience a ‘setback‘.

That you no longer improve so easily.

That it will be harder than you expected.

That it feels impossible to breakthrough;

That there’s no way to get to the next level.

That you want to give up….

When you really want to quit, here are three ways to stay motivated:

#1. Change Your Meaning

If we change the way you look at things the things we look at change!

So what could this ‘setback’ mean? What does this ‘plateau’ mean? Could it be a gift in disguise?

Because we don’t always get what we want, we get what we need!

For example:

  • We need to let go of the idea that there’s a ‘highway to success’;
  • We need to let go of the need for immediate results and instant gratification;
  • We need to widen, broaden and deepen our knowledge;
  • We need to refine our skills;
  • We need to figure out cause and effect;
  • We need to find something new;
  • Or we need to find something we lost along the way…

Now when you’ve lost something, and you find it again, it has so much more meaning!

#2. Change Your Approach

A hurdle can’t stop you; you just have to change how you do it. Figure out ways to get under or over, but never give up.

And if you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

If you really want something you’ll find a way. Just change your approach until you found it.

#3: Realize How Far You Have Come

A reason why people give up is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.

Then just take a moment to look back, to see how far you have come:

Be thankful for what you learned, for what you discovered, for the wisdom you gained, for the skills you mastered, for the challenges you overcame;

Be grateful for what you are now, for who you become along the way: a better horse trainer.

And then realize: “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now.”

So take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go!

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