It’s Always You
Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.
Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills.
Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.
Don’t wish for more compliments, wish you were more competent.
Don’t wish for an easy recipe, wish you had more creativity.
Don’t wish for an instructor who is dedicated to your comfort, wish for an instructor who is dedicated to you shifting boundaries within yourself.
Don’t wish for a better horse, a better riding arena, a better environment, better weather, a better season, better circumstances, a better program, a better instructor, better lessons, better prices, better examples, better models, …
The Long List
Many riders have a LONG LIST of reasons why things aren’t going well.
They blame:
- The weather
- The traffic
- The riding arena
- The tragic history of their horse
- The former owner of their horse who did things totally “wrong”
- Their horse’s behavior (nipping, pulling, lazy, spooky)
- Their horse who is ill, old, ugly, or out to get them
- Their instructor who is also out to get them
- The method or the training program that doesn’t fit
- The cynical and selfish riders at their yard
- Their negative relatives who are always putting them down
- Lack of time
- Their spouse who also has lack of time and is therefore not supportive
That’s a pretty good list for not doing well, isn’t it?
Well, there’s a big problem with this list:
YOU are not on it!
The Major Key
The major key to your better future is YOU.
Two riders can do Straightness Training, one makes twice as much progress, though they are dealing with quite similar circumstances:
- Same age
- Same type of horse
- Same family, husband, kids
- Same weather
- Same traffic
- Same type of riding arena
- Same problems
- Same challenges
What’s the difference?
The major key!
It’s Always You
The only way it gets better for you is when YOU get better.
No matter what.
It’s not what happened in the past, or what happens outside of you that determines the quality of your work.
It’s not what happens that determines the quality of your training skills.
Because what happens, happens to about everybody.
We all face bad weather, heavy traffic, challenging people, we all have a rescue horse, we all face challenges with our horse.
The sun went down on all of us last night – a common event. Of course, you could say: “Well, I don’t like that arrangement”…. but that won’t change a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.
The exact same events happen to two different riders:
- One progresses while the other stays at the same spot.
- One achieves Grade 4, one stays lifelong on a low level.
Why is that?
It’s what you do!
That changes everything.
If things are not going to change, how will it change?
When YOU change!