Whenever you are doing Straightness Training, always protect your horse by introducing him to the environment before you invite your horse to the exercises.
This is especially important when participating in a workshop or clinic in a foreign environment.
How to protect your two-headed herd
Here are two things that you can easily do:
Protection Tip #1: Put yourself in between the 'danger' and your horse
In the beginning, put yourself between the risk (audience) and the horse, so your horse has the feeling that you - as a true leader - protect your two-headed herd.
Remember this simple law of nature:
- Leaders always keep an eye on the environment.
- Followers keep an eye on the leader
Protection Tip #2: Put yourself in between the danger in the left eye and in between the danger and the right eye
Realize that your horse views the world differently because of the way his eyes are put on his head.
So present the audience to both his eyes.
This means, walk from left to right and from right to left, with you in between the horse and the audience.
From Axnious to Curious
First, give your horse some time to digest what's happening around him by applying the two tips.
Once your horse starts to feel safe, he will be curious instead of anxious, nervous and fearful.
Once your horse has figured it all out and has settled, you can get to work and start training.
To keep things safe you need to foster that your horse stays in a curious state.
Whatever situation face, always protect your two-headed herd, and always be a leader who provides safety and clear guidance.
Click HERE for 13 tips on how to Establish and Confirm Your Leadership >>