Garrocha training with Valdeci Evaristo

In Brazil I was invited at Haras Villa do Retiro to do Garrocha training with Valdeci Evaristo. It was my first time riding with a Garrocha and it was very interesting!

At Haras Villo Do Retiro they breed the beautiful Lusitano horses:

Valcedi Evaristo guided me very well through the movements used with the Garrocha. The Garrocha is a long pole used for working cattle. It's a practical working tool of the 'Vaquero', a horse-mounted livestock herder, while working in the country with cattle. In my first lesson in Garrocha training I started from the ground, without a horse, and I discovered how to use the different hand positions:

Garrocha training is done in walk and canter with a responsive horse that is able to balance on his hind legs and to perform collected manoeuvres.

Therefore the horse is able to instantly change direction or stop, while remaining mentally calm and working in total harmony and completely at one with its rider. Learning to use the Garrocha really improves our horsemanship skills and increases our horses level of training. Thank you so much Valdeci for your hospitality and for sharing your valuable knowledge and amazing experience with the garrocha with me! Muito obrigada! Click on the video for an impression of my first lesson in Garrocha riding: